'Microchipping - The Next Steps'
At Battersea Dog & Cats Home
The MTA is proud to have hosted the conference 'Microchipping - The Next Steps' , at Battersea Dogs' and Cats' Home on 16th May 2019
It had been three years since the Compulsory Microchipping of Dogs legislation came into force and the members of the MTA felt it a good opportunity to discuss how the legislation was working and how it could be improved upon.
We were delighted that speakers from DEFRA, Battersea Dogs' and Cats' Home , Vets Get Scanning, LB Wandsworth dog control, and Cats Protection have already confirmed and will be introduced by Clarissa Baldwin OBE.
Topics of conversation and discussion included microchip compliance, registration databases, training, and lost and stolen dogs.
Members of the MTA were there on the day to discuss the subject, a great day was had by all and more meetings are being planned.
Microchip Trade Association - MTA